Family is a community and a place that welcomes life and the school of humanity, where future spouses are best formed to become responsible parents. The problems of the modern family are to a large extent related to the conflicting nature of contemporary culture which is, complex, heterogeneous, transitional, and rapidly moving. They are the causes of confusion in many modern families. In such situations, the family apostolate services enable the couples and the other members of the family to encounter one another and to achieve an integral and holistic vision of their challenges and responsibilities in the modern world. In this educative and formative process, the couples understand the importance of appreciating one another, time spent together, good communication patterns, a high degree of commitment, a high degree of religious orientations and the ability to cope with crisis. They promote a human approach to faith formation, by visiting families irrespective of caste or creed, knowing their concrete life situations and helping them to live their faith with perseverance even in great difficulties of life. The regular family visits of the members and the resulting knowledge of their concrete life situations were of great help in formulating their own ways of faith formation as Viswasa Sandhya and Home mission. A renewed family can revitalize the Church, which will lead to the renovation of the entire society. With that goal in mind they pay great attention to family faith formation activities, family prayers, and spiritual assistance, preparation for the sacraments etc. especially for women.
The Founder affirms that “their special call is to follow the mission of Jesus by visiting the families as Jesus had done.” Then “Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom and visiting their houses, and curing every disease and every sickness” (Matt 9, 35). By healing and consoling them, Jesus liberates them from their physical, mental and spiritual bondage. Likewise the members of the MSMI are called to continue the ministry of Jesus who went around Galilee to care for the sick and to proclaim the message of love through family centred activities. Through the family apostolate the sisters bring out changes in the human heart and deepen their faith in God by prayer groups in the family circle, seminar and other awareness programme hand in hand with the parish communities. Family apostolate takes into account the Christian formation of the entire family. Entering into the very life of the family and youth and recognizing in them the need to be close to Jesus enables the quality of faith formation. In this apostolate, they set their pastoral priorities and embark on an investigation to determine what is needed by families for their own Christian enrichment. In this process, they have to identify problems, prioritize and partialize them and formulate a realistic plan of action.