The Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate is a women religious congregation founded by Late Msgr. C. J. Varkey as per the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit on Sept 8th, 1962 the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To manifest the redemptive love of Jesus gives prominence to family apostolate
through family catechesis and preaching of the Word of God
To draw men and women close to God.
To uphold the value of human life.
To strive for the realization of God's Kingdom in union with the Holy Trinity and with the activities of the Church.
CHRIST came to redeem the whole world by alleviating sin,
sickness, fear and oppression.
MSMI envisages to reach the ends of the world with this redemptive love
of Christ irrespective of caste, creed or race.
Our mission today is to continue the mission of Christ in terms of realising the Kingdom of God through the preaching of forgiveness and thus building a society in freedom, fellowship, truth and love.
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Sisters reach out the redeeming Love of Christ to families -the domestic church - through regular house. Visits helping the couples and members to sort out their difficulties and find solutions by themselves for their problems in life, thus cementing bond with one another and with God. Read More...
PREACHING THE WORD OF GOD We proclaim the Word of God to reawaken and deepen the people's faith in Christ and help them to live with Christ's attitude in their concrete life situations. Read More...
Pro-life activity is another important apostolate of the Msmi. All human beings ought to value every person for his/her uniqueness as a creature of God, created in the image and likeness of God, called to be a brother or sister of Christ by reason of the Incarnation and the universal Redemption. Read More...
COUNSELLINGOur Counselling aided by the gifts and charisms of the Holy-spirit comfort the grief stricken, brings hope and love to the rejected, guides the lost.. Read More...
ORPHANAGESMSMI sisters become the tender arms of mercy and love sheltering the orphans. Our 'Bala Bhavans' restore to the poor destitute and orphan children.. Read More...
Prison Ministry is another important apostolate of the Msmi to liberate and promote the people. They are all summoned to “remember those in prison as if you were their fellow captives” (cfr. Heb 13, 3). More and more men, women, and children are being incarcerated each day, forcing communities to build additional jail cells. Read More...
The Old and abandoned by the society are cared for, at our Old age homes irrespective of caste and creed. Old parents suffering the rejection of their loved ones find solace in our homes. Read More...
CARE OF LEPERSLeprosy afflicted people, shunned by the society encounter the merciful love of God in our care centres. Adequate medical care and spiritual assistance.. Read More...
HEALING MINISTRYOur Healing ministry includes curative, preventive and rehabilitative services, oriented towards imparting the merciful and protective love of God. Read More...
Street children who run the risk of falling into abuse, child labour or beggary find a home in our rehabilitation centres where we try to redefine their lives by giving them formal education, a safe and comfortable home atmosphere and groom them in moral values. Read More...
EDUCATIONWith deep conviction that today's children are tomorrow’s citizens, sisters of MSMI are actively involved in education by running regular and special school.. Read More...
MSMI is one of the pioneers in the field of press apostolate. Vimala Offset Printing house publishers good books pamphlets and articles of Christian faith. Read More